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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN: 2249-8109

Volume 10, Issue 2, March 2014 pp 244-245

Case Report

A Submucous Intestinal Lipoma Presenting with Intususseption


S. Pani1, Sujit Prasad2, Lisha Suraj3, Vishal Yadav4, Gautam Agarwal5

{1Professor and Unit Head, 2,3Associate Professor, 4Assistant Professor, 5Resident}

Department of General Surgery, MGM Hospital, MGM University of Health Sciences, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA.


Academic Editor : Dr. Aher K.R.



Lipomas are common, nonepithelial, benign, fatty tumors that can be found throughout the gastrointestinal tract, although they are most frequently seen in the colon. Approximately 90% of colonic lipomas are located in the submucosa; the remainder of these tumors are subserosal or intramucosal in origin. The reported incidence of colonic lipomas ranges from 0.2% to 4.4%. Lipomas of the large intestine are most commonly seen (in order of decreasing frequency) in the cecum, ascending colon, and sigmoid colon. Of note, more than 70% of these tumors are located in the right hemicolon. Colonic lipomas are more common in women than in men, with a predilection for the right colon in women and the left colon in men. The mean age of patients with colonic lipomas falls within the sixth decade. Colonic lipomas vary in size from several millimeters to 30 cm. Lipomas are usually well-delineated, soft, ovoid, yellowish masses. These tumors can be found by themselves or in groups, and they can be sessile or pedunculated. Several cases of primary colonic liposarcomas have been reported in the literature, whereas other lipomas are mostly seen in conjunction with retro-peritoneal liposarcomas.