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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN: 2249-8109

Volume 11, Issue 3, July 2014 pp 415-417

Case Report

A rare case of foreign body in vagina posing a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge

Sunanda N.1, Lokeshchandra H. C.2

1Assistant Professor, 2Professor and Head, Department of OBG, MMC & RI, Mysore, Karnataka, INDIA.



Introduction: Vaginal discharge may result from a variety of causes. A long standing intravaginal foreign body can pose both diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in all age groups. Treatment failure may occur because of alteration of the normal vaginal flora. Here we present a case of a 19 year old who came to our Outpatientwith repeated episodes of white discharge Per Vaginum for 10 months. Scan showed - ? cervical polyp. We treated her for everything from vaginitis to septic abortion to suspected cervical carcinoma .she later revealed history of having inserted a battery shell in her vagina as foreplay. Finally CT scanrevealed it to be an infected foreign body impacted in the lower uterine segment. Patient finally found relief upon removal of the object. Vaginal foreign body can present with diverse symptoms. It should be considered in any young female patient presenting with recurrent or persistent vaginal discharge. Detailed history and clinical examination are central to diagnosis although imaging modalities may be required in misplaced objects. This article highlights the importance of early diagnosis and proper management in preventingmorbidity and mortality resulting from complications.