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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN: 2249-8109

Volume 15, Issue 2, June 2015 pp 268-270

Case Report

Rectal foreign body: A case report

Shameem Unnisa Shaikh*, T Rama Krishna*, Md Jawed Akther**

*Postgraduate, **Professor, Department of General Surgery, Mamata Medical College, Khammam-507002., Telangana, INDIA.

Rectal foreign bodies (RFB) present the modern surgeon with a difficult management dilemma, as the type of object, host anatomy, time from insertion, associated injuries and amount of local contamination may vary widely. Reluctance to seek medical help and to provide details about the incident often makes diagnosis difficult. Management of these patients may be challenging, as presentation is usually delayed after multiple attempts at removal by the patients themselves have proven unsuccessful. In this article we report the case of a male who presented with a large cylindrical plastic handle of broom inserted into his rectum. As he was unable to extract the object, we under light sedation (¯ GA) extracted the object through transanal rout. Foreign bodies in the rectum should be managed in a well organized manner. The diagnosis is confirmed by rectal examination, plain abdominal radiographs and CT scan. Manual extraction with light sedation is possible for very low lying objects. Management of patients with rectal foreign bodies can be challenging. The majority of cases can be successfully managed conservatively, but occasional surgical intervention is warranted.