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International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN: 2249-8109

Volume 16, Issue 2, Sept 2015 pp 381-384

Research Article

Health profile of adolescents of tribal area of state Maharashtra, INDIA

D N Dhekale1, Y A Hiwarkar2, C D Dhekale3

1Professor, 2Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Dr. Ulhas Patil Medical College and Hospital, Jalgaon- 425001, Maharashtra, INDIA.

3Medical Officer, ESIS Dispensary, Chalisgaon, Maharashtra, INDIA.

People living in isolation in natural and unpolluted surroundings far away from civilization with their traditional values, customs, beliefs and myth intact arecommonly known as “tribal”. Their health status is poor. It is necessary to focus primary preventive efforts on adolescents in order to improve overall public health in near and distant future. Present cross sectional community based study was undertaken to know the health profile of adolescents in tribal area of Yavatmal District of Maharashtra. Data was collected on predesigned proforma during November 20012 to April 2013. Total 502 adolescents were studied. The commonest morbidities among adolescents were anemia (88.04%), helminthiasis (19.72%), acne (19.45%), deposition on teeth (41.33%) and acute nasopharyngitis (13.14%). Females were more anemic (92.99%) than males (77.95%). Anemiawas found to be significantly associated (p<0.05) with age, sex and worm infestation. 379 (75.50%) adolescents were under weight.