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Abstract Introduction: Ingestion of corrosive substances remains an important public health issue in Western countries despite education and regulatory efforts to reduce its occurrence. These injuries are still increasing in developing countries, related to the social, economic, and educational variables and mainly to a lack of prevention. This is record based study to see various clinical characters and differences in the two groups. Aims and Objective: To study the various clinical characters of Cauticinjuiry of upper Gastrointestinal tract, and to see any differences observed in early (<5yr) and Late Group (>5Yr) Methodology: This is ten years retrospective study in this all the patients (N=65) ( of caustic injury within 10 years were studied , in that these patients were divided into two group based upon within 5yrs –Early group and more than 5yrs –Late group Result: significantly more number males and female were there from early group, Significantly more no of co-morbid conditions like Diabetes, Depression, No any Co-morbid condition, Other social illness were found in Early ingestion group. While no any significant difference found in Co-morbid conditions like Hypertension, Other medical illness. In purpose of ingestion of caustic in that there was significantly more trend of suicide by caustic ingestion in late group as compared to early group, but other purposes in early and late group were not significantly different. Conclusion: The caustic injury is mostly due to suicidal tendency, so early detection of this tendency and proper psychiatric counseling can reduce the incidence of this poisoning.

Keywords: Caustic injuiry, Acids, Alkalies, Gastro-intestinal Tract.


STATPERSON PUBLISHING GROUP | Aurangabad | Maharashtra |2016 | INDIA
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