Official Journals By StatPerson Publication


Abstract  Introduction: Immunization is the most cost effective public health intervention. In spite of great efforts by central government and state government and UNICEF the coverage of vaccination in child population is still poor due to various reasons. The main objective for this study is evaluate the children population who are vaccinated or not. Methodology: This is a retrospective study includes 200 children between 0-5years of age, based on the immunized and non immunized children forming the main groups, was conducted in the department of pediatric Bhaskar medical college. The following parameters are assessed: 1) Whether they followed the immunization schedule of essential vaccines. 2)Assessment of time schedule of the immunization. Whether the vaccination is given at scheduled intervals of time or any delay in their vaccination as per the immunization card or oral instruction by the mother. Discussion: The study involves 200 rural children of 0-5years of age. Out of which 122 are male and 78 are female children. they are divided into three groups, “completely immunized on time” “partially immunized” and “not immunized” immunized on time are 49%, Partially immunize are 50.5%, Not immunized are 0.5%. Conclusions: The results of vaccination both on time and delayed vaccination as follows OPV and BCG is well immunized and DPT normal doses are immunized but we can clearly see the negligence about the booster dose

Keywords: Vaccination, DPT, Oral polio Vaccine.


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