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Abstract Introduction: Pediatric anesthesia is a continuum of clinical care. It Begins with preoperative evaluation and continues through Consideration of fasting interval, premedication, induction, Maintenance, emergence, postoperative analgesia and care of Child in PACU. Anaesthetics used for paediatric anaesthesia should produce rapid and smooth inducton, rapid emergence and a short postoperative Recovery period with minimal adverse effect. Although Halothane is most commonly used for induction of Anaesthesia in children, anaesthesia may also be inducted with the Ether anaesthetics like Isoflurane, Enflurane, Desflurane and Sevoflurane. Nitrous oxide. Premedication, anticholinergics and rate of increase in the inspired Concentration have all been used to attenuate airway reflex Responses with variable success Aims and Objective: To study of sevofluranne versus isoflurane with respect to recovery characteristics. Methodology: After obtaining approval from the institution, we have undertaken, study of 60 paediatric patients, from the year 2000- 2001, at S.S.G.H., Vadodara. Selection of Patients60 paediatric patients between the age ranged from infants To 10 years of either sex and ASA physical status I and II were Taken up for this study. They were underwent a variety of elective General surgical procedures like urological, plastic, ENT and Orthopedics. Children having significant airway, cardiac, Respiratory, renal, hepatic or central nervous system diseases were excluded from the study. Standard physical examination and clinical laboratory tests like haemogram and urine examinations were done in every Patient. Result: Discontinuation of Volatile agent to Spontaneous Movement time (min), Extubation time (min), Emergence time (min), Interaction time (min) All these four variables of recovery characteristics in Group S. Were earlier and statistically highly significant as compared to Group I. From the table it is clear that the recovery hemodynamic characteristics like Heart rate, SBP, DBP were not significantly different in these two groups. Conclusion: Sevoflurane provides superior clinical Profile to Isofluraneinpaediatricpatients : a smoother and more Rapid induction of anaesthesia, a better haemodynamic stability and a significantly more rapid emergence and recovery from Anaesthesia.

            Keywords: Sevoflurane, Isoflurane, Recovery characteristics.


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