Official Journals By StatPerson Publication


Abstract  Aim: To evaluate a medical method of managing embryonic /fetal demise in early pregnancy (missed abortion). Objectives: (1) To study feasibility of medical treatment of missed abortion up to 13 weeks of amenorrhea. (2) To study the side effects of vaginal misoprostol (maximum dose of 800 mcg)in women with missed abortion and record the success rate and advantages over surgical method of evacuation. Methodology: A prospective observational study of 119 consecutive admissions of missed abortion were managed by using misoprostol tablets vaginally. All the 119 women of missed abortion confirmed by ultrasound were counselled and informed about the medical method. A tablet of 200 mcgms of misoprostol was inserted deep in the vagina every 4 hours for a maximum of 4 doses. Women were observed for side effects, and symptoms and for signs of abortion. All the women were followed with checkups up to 2 weeks after evacuation or as need arised. Results: Success rate was 95.23%. Complete abortion rate was 88.09%. There were no febrile complications and no other untoward side effects. The method has many advantages over surgical methods. Conclusion: Misoprostol is an effective method of evacuating the uterus with missed abortion.

Keywords: Early pregnancy failure(EPF), Embryonic/Fetal demise,Misoprostol, Missed abortion.




STATPERSON PUBLISHING GROUP | Aurangabad | Maharashtra |2016 | INDIA
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