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Abstract        Introduction: Nowadays, rubber band ligation (RBL) is the most widely used procedure and it offers the possibility to resolve haemorrhoids disease without the need for hospitalization or anaesthesia and with a lower incidence of complications when compared to conventional studies. Aims and Objectives: To Study Band Ligation versus Open haemorrhoidectomy in Second Degree Haemorrhoids. Methodology: This study was carried out at tertiary health care center during one year period i.e. 2014 to 2015 in the 50 patients diagnosed as second degree Haemorrhoids Were included into the study. These patients were divided into two treatment groups i.e. Band Ligation (n=25) and Open haemorrhoidectomy (n=25) groups randomly by computer generated random numbers respectively. Z-test (Standard error of difference between two proportions) was used for statistical analysis. Result: Age distribution in the both the group were similar i.e. most Common age group of the Patients was 46-60 yrs. In both the groups. In Gender distribution was comparable to each other i.e. Majority of the patients were male in both the groups. In post-operative Outcomes these complications like Intense Pain(P<0.001), Urinary Retention(P<0.0001), Flatus incontinence(P<0.0001), Fecal incontinence(P<0.0001), Anal stenosis(P<0.01), Bleeding (P<0.01) were significantly higher in the Open haemorrhoidectomy groups. Conclusion: In our study we found that the Band ligation is superior than Haemorrhoidectomy in terms of complications like Intense Pain, Urinary Retention, Flatus incontinence, Fecal incontinence, Anal stenosis, Bleeding were significantly less in Band ligation group.

Key Words: Band Ligation, Open haemorrhoidectomy, Second Degree Haemorrhoids.



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