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Abstract Introduction: “Bones can break, muscles can atrophy, glands can loaf, and even the brain can go to sleep without immediate danger to survival .But should kidneys fail…Neither bone, muscle, gland, nor brain could carry on. Aims and Objectives: To study Clinical Profile of Chronic Kidney Disease Patients at Tertiary Care Hospital Methodology: The present study is carried out at Rural Tertiary Health Care Centre, over a period of 2 years from December 2013 to November 2015. Hospital based observational study 80cases diagnosed as having Chronic Kidney Disease admitted to medicine department at Rural Tertiary Health Care Centre during the study period carried out in October 2013 to October 2015. Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease in the age group of 18 years to 65 years as per NKF-KDOQI (National Kidney Foundation –Kidney Dialysis Outcome Initiative) 2002 criteria.Result: Among 80 cases of CKD, there were 58 (72.50%) male patients and 22 (27.50%) female patients. In this study, it was seen that maximum no.i.e.64 (80.00%) of patients presented with oliguria Anaemia was the most common feature, found in 76 (95.00%) patients. Pitting type of oedema on lower extremities was found in 58 (72.50%) cases. Diabetes malites is the most common cause of CKD found in 32 (40.00%) cases. Conclusion: Prevalence of chronic kidney disease is rising especially in the younger age groups, Males were more affected than females, Diabetes mellitus and systemic hypertension were the most common etiological risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disease

 Key Words: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Glomerulonephritis, Diabetes Mellitus (DM ), Hypertension (HTN).



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