Official Journals By StatPerson Publication


Abstract Background: Diabetes Mellitus is a major public health problem in India. Majority of diabetics develop eye problems later in their life. Diabetic eye disorders can be prevented by early detection and strict control of hyperglycaemia and regular eye check-ups. Methods: A cross sectional survey was conducted in 200 persons with diabetes attending the weekly diabetic clinic in a teaching hospital of West Bengal with the aim of finding out the awareness about the various eye disorders which may befall on the persons with diabetes mellitus. Results: 63.5% of the participants were females. Family history of diabetes was present in 39% of the participants. Median duration of the diabetes of the respondents was 4 years. 80% of the respondents were aware that diabetes can cause impaired vision. 61.5% of the participants were unaware of the schedule of regular eye check-up. 62% of the respondents had undergone at least one eye check-up to screen for any diabetic eye disease. 12% of participants said that a health care professional has ever said that they are suffering from any eye disease due to diabetes. Awareness about the diabetic retinopathy was significantly related with sex, education and occupation of the diabetics. 49% of the respondents had suffered from vision loss. Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy was 17.3% in the sampled subjects. Conclusion: Though the awareness about the eye disorders seems high there is no regularity of follow-ups in eye OPD by persons with diabetes.

Keywords: Diabetes, Diabetic Retinopathy, Eye diseases, Awareness, Prevalence



STATPERSON PUBLISHING GROUP | Aurangabad | Maharashtra |2016 | INDIA
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