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Introduction: During the last two decades, bone marrow examination has become an indispensable adjuvant to diagnose the malignant diseases of the blood and other body systems. This will obviate the need for many other expensive and time-consuming investigations. When both the procedures for bone marrow examination i.e. aspiration and clot section done simultaneously, can yield a good diagnostic material which will be helpful for more accurate diagnosis. Aims and Objectives: This study was aimed to assess the diagnostic value of the BMA and Bone Marrow Clot Sections and role of both the procedures to reach final diagnosis when done simultaneously. Methods: The present study was done on 80 cases in which complete peripheral blood smears, bone marrow and cell blocks was available were included in the study. Bone marrow aspiration was performed, Cell block was prepared and stained with hematoxylin and eosin stain, smears were stained with Leishman stain. Results: Comparison was done between bone marrow aspirate smears stained by Romanowsky group of stains i.e. Leishman and paraffin embedded cell block section stained by Hematoxylin and Eosin stain. Out of 80 cases, there were 60 cases (75%) of anaemias, 9(11.2%) platelet disorders, 6(7.5%) Acute Leukaemias, 2(2.5%) Lymphoproliferative disorders, 1(1.2%) MDS, 1(1.2%) Leishmaniasis and 1(1.2%) hyperspleenism. Conclusions: The advantage of both the procedures done together provided more material and enabled us to study the cytomorphology of the cells, with the pattern of distribution of the cells depending on the cases and help in more accurate diagnosis.

KeyWords: bone marrow aspiration, romanowsky stains, paraffin embedded clot sections, and H&E stain.



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