Official Journals By StatPerson Publication



  1. La Velle DG, Canale ST and Beaty JH, Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics. Vol 3,11th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby; 2008. p. 3237-8, 62. (vol3).
  2. Kwok-sui Leung Subtrochanteric fracture Chapter 46, Rockwood and green's fractures in adults; 6th edition pg 1827-1844.
  3. Harkess J.W., Crockarell J.R. “Arthroplasty of hip”. Chapt 7 in Campbell’s Operative Orthopaedics. Volume 1, 11thed, Canale S.T. and Beaty J.H. (edts), Philadelphia; Mosby; 2008:312-482.
  4. Pavelka T, Kortus J, Linhart M. Osteosyntehsis of proximal femoral fractures using short proximal femoral nails. ActaChirOrhtopTraumatolCech 2003; 70 (1):31-8.
  5. Alho A, Ekeland A, Grogaard B, Dokke JR. A locked hip screw-intramedullary nail (cephalomedullary nail) for the treatment of fractures of the proximal part of the femur combined with fractures of the femoral shaft. J Trauma 1996; 40:10-16.
  6. McLaurin, Toni M. M.D.; Lawler, Ericka A. M.D. Treatment Modalities for Subtrochanteric Fractures in the Elderly JBJS Septr 2004 Vol 19(3), pp 197-213.
  7. Yoo MC, Cho YJ, Kim KI, Khairuddin M, Chun YS. Treatment of unstable peritrochanteric femoral fractures using a 95degrees angled blade plate. J Orthop Trauma 2005; 19:687–92.
  8. Crist BD, Khalafi AK, Hazelwood SJ, Lee MA.A biomechanical comparison of locked plate fixation with percutaneous insertion capability versus the angled blade plate in a subtrochanteric fracture gap model. J Orthop Trauma 2009; 23:622–7.
  9. Setiobudi T, Ng YH, Lim CT, Liang S, Lee K, Das De S. Clinical outcome following treatment of stable and unstable intertrochanteric fractures with dynamic hip screw. Ann Acad Med Singapore 2011; 40:482–7


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