Official Journals By StatPerson Publication



  1. David Fletcher et al. Complications of cholecystectomy: Riska of the laparoscopic approach and protective effects of operative cholangiography. Annals of surgery Vol 229, No4: 449-457
  2. Pierre-Alain Clavien et al. Proposed Classification of complications of Surgery with examples of utility in cholecystectomy.
  3. Norman Oneil Machado et al; Biliary complications past Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Mechanism, preventive measures and Approac to management review.
  4. Melloul E et al, Percutaneous drainage versus emergency cholecystectomy, for the treatment of acute cholecystitis in critically ill patients: does it matter? World J Surg 2011; 35:826-833.
  5. Shaikh IA e al, Are we performing enough emergency laparoscopic cholecystectomies? An experience from a distric general hospital. Int J Surg 2009; 7:482-484.
  6. Change TC, et al. Evaluation of early versus delayed laparoscopic Cholecystectomy in the treatment of acute cholecystitis Hepatogastroenlerology 2009; 56:26-28.
  7. L.H. Blumgarth, T. Fong: Surgery of the Liver and Biliary Tract; Third Edition, Volume one Page no. 735-74
  8. Lee SW, et al. Impact of the Tokyo guidelines on the management of patients with acute calcully cholecystitis J Gastroentero Hepatol 2009; 24:1857-1861.
  9. Steel e et al. Choledocholithiasis. Endoscopic Sphincterotomy or common bile duct exploiration. Ann Surg. 213:677-34, 1991.
  10. Williams et al. Comparison of laparoscopic Chilecystectomy with open cholecystectomy in a single centre. Am J. Surg. 165; 459-65.1993.
  11. Suuronen et al. Bleeding Complications in cholecystectomyL a register study of over 22000 cholecystectomyies in Finlad, BMC Surgery (2015) 15197.
  12. Steel e et al. Choledocholithiasis. Endoscopic Sphincterotomy or common bile duct exploiration. Ann Surg. 213:677-34, 1991.
  13. B. Krishna Rau Management of post operative complications after Laparoscopy Cholecystectomy. Bakken K, self harm in male patients with substance dependence syndrome. Addiction 2013; 108:433–40
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