Official Journals By StatPerson Publication



  1. Dodd JM, Hedayati H, Pearce E, Hotham N, Crothew CA. Rectal analgesia for the relief of perineal pain after childbirth: a randomized controlled trial of diclofenac suppositories. BJOG 2004; 111: 1059-64.
  2. Sikander R, Memon A, Sheikh F. Perineal pain after vaginal delivery. J Surg Pak 2003; 8: 23-25.
  3. Habib L, Manzar S. Post operative analgesic effect of diclofenac suppository versus diclofenac i.m injection. Pak J Surg 2004; 20: 11-15.
  4. Achariya U, Titapant, U. Relieving perineal pain after perineorraphy by diclofenac rectal suppositories: A randomized double-blinded placebo controlled trial. J Med Assoc Thai 2008; 91: 799-804.
  5. Melzack R. The short form of McGill pain questionnaire. Pain 1987; 30: 191-97.
  6. Sanders J, Campbell R, Peters TJ. Effectiveness and acceptability of lidocaine spray in reducing perineal pain during spontaneous vaginal delivery: a randomized controlled trial. BMJ 2006; 333: 117.
  7. Facchinelti F, Casini ML, Costabile L, Malavasi B, Unfer V. Diclofenac pyrrolidene versus ketoprofen for relief of pain from episiotomy: a randomized controlled trial. Acta Obstet Gynaecol Scand 2005; 84: 951-55.
  8. Searles J, Pring D. Effective analgesia following perineal injury during childbirth: a placebo controlled trial of prophylactic rectal diclofenac. British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1998; 105:627–31.
  9. Dr Joshi Vyankatesh S , Dr Vyavahare Ramesh D , Dr Khade Ganesh, Dr ShiledarVikram , Dr Jamadar N P. Comparative study of analgesic efficacy of rectal suppository of Tramadol versus diclofenac in suppressing postoperative pain after Cesarean section. International J. of Healthcare and Biomedical Research, Volume: 1, Issue: 2, January 2013, P: 32-37
  10. Faiza Shafi, Shazia Syed, Naheed Bano, Rizwana Chaudhri: Journal of Rawalpindi Medical College (JRMC); 2011; 15(1):56-58.

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