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International Journal of Statistika and Mathematika, ISSN: 2277- 2790 E-ISSN: 2249-8605

Volume 6, Issue 2, June 2013 pp 101-104

Research Article

Correlation and Regression Analysis to study the Variables Affecting the Technological Gapin Sericulture Production


Dakhani N.T.1, Sananse S.L.2, Hake D.A.3

{1Research Scholar, 2Associate Professor} Department of Statistics, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS), 431004, INDIA.

3Sericulture Development Officer, Sericulture Dept., Govt. of Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, INDIA.


Academic Editor: Dr. Dase R.K.


Linked References
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