International Journal of Recent Trends in Science and Technology, ISSN 2277-2812 E-ISSN: 2249-8109
Volume 11, Issue 1, May 2014 pp 87-90
Research Article
Study of Clinical Profile in Neonatal Seizures in Rural Area
Suryavanshi A. R.1, Solunke V. N.2, Phadnis A. R.3, Kawalkar U. G.4, Saple P. P.5, Bodhgire S. B.6
{1,2,4Assistant Professor, 5Professor & Head, 6Senior Resident} Department of Pediatrics SRTR GMC Ambajogai, Beed Maharashtra, INDIA.
3RMO, Rural Hospital Indapur, Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA.
Academic Editor : Dr. Aher K.R.
Aim: To know etiologies and clinical profile of neonatal seizures; course of these babies in neonatal intensive care unit. Methodology:Descriptive study was carried out. All Neonates admitted in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit with seizure were included. For all babies with neonatal seizures, obstetric history and detailed history were recorded. Appropriate investigations were done to find out most probable etiology of seizures in each case. Every baby was followed till discharge or death and condition is noted at the time of discharge. Result: Seizure rate for preterm and term babies were 25 and 10.3 per 1000 live births respectively. Subtle seizures were the most common seizure type found in 35 (43.75%) term neonates. In preterm babies’ subtle seizure was common type of seizure 12 (63.15%). Seizure percentage decreases as day of onset increased. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy was prominent cause of seizures found in 37 (46.25%) babies.
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