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On The Extension of Topological Local Groups with Local Cross Section

H. Sahleh1, A. Hosseini2

1,2Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences

University of Guilan, P.O.BOX 1914, Rasht – IRAN.

Corresponding Address:

[email protected] , [email protected]

Research Article

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the cohomology of topological local groups and topological local extensions. We show that the second cohomology of a local topological group is in one to one correspondence with the class of topological local extensions with local cross sections.

keywords:  Cohomology of topological local group, Strong homomorphism, Local cross-section, Topological local group extension.

MSC 2000: Primary 22A05, Secondary 22A10.


Let 1 and 12 be topological groups, 2 abelian. We consider 3 as a G-module with a continuous action of 13 on 4, that is, a continuous function from 19 into 5, carrying 20 onto 21.

By a topological extension of 6 by 14, 22, we mean a short exact sequence

23 with 24 an open continuous homomorphism and 7 a closed normal subgroup of 25.

Two extensions, 26, and 27, of 8 by 15 are said to be equivalent, 28, if there exists a continuous isomorphism 29 such that 30 and 31. The set of equivalence classes of extensions of 9 by 16, denoted by 32, with the Baire-sum is a group [2].

A cross-section of a topological group extension 34 of 10 by 17 is a continuous map 35 such that 36 for each 37. There is a one to one correspondence between 33, and 38 [2].

In this paper we show a similar result for topological local groups [3]. In section 1 we give some primarily definitions which will be needed in sequel. In section 2, we introduce the local extension on topological local groups and prove that the second cohomology of topological local group is isomorphic with the group of equivalence classes of topological local extensions with local crossed-sections.

We use the following notations: 

 • " 1 " is the identity element of 39.

 • "41" : 42, 18 a sublocal group (subgroup) of a local group (group) 11.

 • 43 where 40 is a local group.

2.Primary Definitions:

We recall the following definition from [5]:

A local group44 is like a group except that the action of group is not necessarily defined for all pairs of elements, The associative law takes the following form: if 45 and 46 are defined, then if one of the products 47, 48 is defined, so is the other and the two products are equal. It is assumed that each element of 49 has an inverse.


Definition 2.1 [3] Let 50 be a local group, if there exist: 

  1. a distinguished element 58, the identity element,
  2.  a continuous product map 59 defined on an open subset


  1.  a continuous inversion map 63

satisfying the following properties: 

(i)Identity: 64 for every 65

(ii) Inverse: 68 for every 66

(iii) Associativity: If 69, 70, 71 and 72 all belong to 73, then



then 51 is called a topological local group.


Example 2.2Let 52 be a Hausdorff topological space and 75 be the diagonal of 53, 76 and 77. Define 60 by:


Now 54, by the action of 79, is a local group.

If 67, 82, we have 83. If 84 is a neighborhood of 85, then 87. There are two cases; 

  1. 89 : since 55 is Hausdorff, there are disjoint neighborhood 90, 91 containing 92, 86, respectively. Then 94 and 95 and 96. Hence, 97. So 80 is continuous.
  2. 98 : 88.

 If 99 and 100 is a closed neighborhood of 93 in 56 then 101. Hence, 81 is continuous. Therefore, 61, 102 and 103, 104 are continuous. So 57 is a topological local group.

Definition 2.3  Let 105 and 116 be topological local groups. We say that 106 operates on the left of 117 if:

There is a neighborhood 123 of the identity in 107 and a neighborhood 125 of the identity in 118 such that for every 127, 129 there exists 132 with the following condition: 

1.133, 134 is continuous;

 2.  135 for all 130;

 3.  If 136 and 137 and 138 is defined for all 128 then 139;

 4.  If 140, 131 are so that 141 and 142 are defined in 126 and 124 respectively, then 143.

Definition 2.4 A continuous map 144 of topological local groups, is called a homomorphism if ; 

1.146 where 147;

2.  148 and 149;

3.  if 150 then 152 exists in 154 and 155.


    With these morphisms topological local groups form a category which contains the subcategory of topological groups.


Definition 2.5A homomorphism of topological local groups 145 is called strong if for every 156, the existence of 153 implies that 151.

A morphism is called a monomorphism (epimorphism) if it is injective (surjective).


Lemma 2.6 [1, Lemma 2.5]  Let 157 be a symmetric neighborhood of the identity in a topological local group 108. There is a neighborhood 159 of identity in 158 such that for every 160, 161.


We denote the product of p copies of 109 by 162.


Definition 2.7Let 110 and 119 be topological local groups. A local p-map of 111 into 120 is a continuous map 163 where 164 is a symmetric neighborhood of identity in 112 such that 166 whenever 167.


Definition 2.8Let 113 and 121 be topological local groups. Two local p-maps 168 and 169 of 114 into 122, where 170 are symmetric neighborhoods of the identity in 115, are said to be equivalent if there is a neighborhood 165 with 171 such that


 whenever 173 for all 174.

Definition 2.9 The equivalence class of a local p-map is called a local p-cochain of 175 to 184.


Let 176 and 185 be topological local groups and 186 abelian (written additively). Let 194 be the set of equivalence classes of local p-maps, with the usual addition of functions. The set 195 is an abelian group. Therefor, we define an addition on 196. Suppose 198 and 199 are symmetric neighborhoods of the identity in 177 where 200, 201 are local p-maps. Let 202 be a neighborhood of identity in 187. By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhoods 205 in 203 such that 207 is defined when 208. Since 209 are continuous, then there exists a neighborhood 210 of 1 in 178 such that 211. Now define a local map 212 by


for every 214 and 215. It is clear that the local p-cochain 216 does not depend on the choice of the representations 219 and 220. Hence, we define an addition in 197, by



Definition 2.10 Suppose 179 and 188 are topological local groups and 189 abelian. We define a coboundary operator


Let 204 be a neighborhood of the identity in 190. By Lemma 2.6, there is a neighborhood 206 of the identity in 191, 223 such that 224 is defined whenever 225. Suppose 226 is a neighborhood of 1 in 180 such that 227 whenever 228 and 229. Suppose 230, 231 a local p-map. By continuity of 232, we choose a symmetric neighborhood 233 in 181 such that 234. By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhood 235 in 182 such that 236, 237 for all 238.

Define a local (p+1)-map 239, for each point 240 by

241It is easy to show that the local (p+1)-cochain 242 depends only on the given local p-cochain 217 and 243.

Definition 2.11  A local p-cochains 218 such that 244 is called a local p-cocycles.

We denote the set of all p-cocyles by 245.

Definition 2.12  The image of a coboundry operator in 247 is called a local p-coboundry. We denote the set of all p-coboundries by 248.

It is easy to show that 250,since 251. Then 249 is a subgroup of 246.

Definition 2.13  Let 183 and 192 be topological local groups and 193 abelian. Then 252 is called the p-th cohomology topological local group.

3.Second Cohomology and Topological Local Group Extensions:

In this part we prove that the second cohomology of a topological local group is isomorphic with the group of the equivalence classes of topological local extensions with local crossed-sections.

Definition 3.1 Let 253 be topological local groups and 254 a symmetric neighborhood in 256. The continuous map 268 is an open continuous local homomorphism of 257 onto 269 if 

1.  there exists a symmetric neighborhood 275 in 255 which 277, 278;

2.  280 , 279;

 3.  for every symmetric neighborhood 281, 282, 283 is open in 270.

 The map 284 is called an open continuous local isomorphism of 258 to 271 if 276 can be chosen that so 285 is one to one.


Definition 3.2  A topological local group extension of the topological local group 272 by a topological local group 259 is a triple 286 where 291 is a topological local group, 295 is an open continuous local homomorphism of 292 to 260, and 298 is an open continuous local isomorphism of 273 onto the kernel of 296 [2].


Remark 3.3If 287 is a topological local group extension of 299 by 261, where 297 a strong homomorphism and 301, then 300 is a closed normal topological subgroup of 293.


Definition 3.4  Let 288 be a topological local group extension of 274 by 262. A continuous map 302 where 303 is a neighborhood of 1 in 263 is called a local cross-section if 304 for every 305.


Definition 3.5A topological local group extension 289 of 264 is said to be fibered if it has a local cross section.


Definition 3.6A topological local group extension 290 of 265 is said to be essential if it has a local homomorphism of 266 to 294.


Definition 3.7  Let 306 and 307 be topological local extensions of an abelian topological local group 308 by a topological local group 267. If there exists a strong isomorphism 309 of 310 onto 311 such that 312 and 313.


then315 and 316 are equivalent, 317.

Note 3.8  Let 318 be a topological local group. The set 322 is called the center of 319 if


In this paper, we replace 341 by 323 in Definition 3.2. In this case, 324 is a subset of 342 and 345.


Definition 3.9  Let 325 be an abelian topological local group. A pair factor set on topological local group 346 is a pair 360 where 365 is continuous, and 367 is a neighborhood of the identity in 347. Suppose there exist a neighborhoods 370 of the identity in 348 and 374 such that 375, for every 377. Let 380 be a symmetric neighborhood in 326 such that 384, for every 385 and 388.

Now, there is an action of 349 on 327, 390 such that 391, for every 386 is a local inner automorphism,


 whenever 394 and


 for 378.


Definition 3.10  The pair factor set 361 is normalized if

396,     397398

where 399 is the identity automorphism.


Remark 3.11Let 400 be an extension of 343 by 350 and 362 a pair factor set on 351to 328 where 329 is locally isomorphism with the kernel 406. It is clear that 409 is a pair factor set on 320 to 330. We call 410 the extension of 363 by 407.


Let 401 be an extension of 344 by 352. The local cross-section 411 of 402 is called normalized if 414.

In this section we assume all pair factor sets and local cross-sections are normalized.


Definition 3.12  Let 415 be topological local groups. Suppose a topological local group extension 403 of 331 by 353 where 332 is locally isomorphism with the kernel 408 with a local cross-section 416 where 417 is a neighborhood of the identity in 354. There are a symmetric neighborhood 371, 418 and a neighborhood 381 of the identity in 333 such that 419 and 420 are defined for every 387 and 389. Then, the action of 355 on 334 is defined by



In Definition 3.12, since 335 is the center of 321, we can easily see that for each 422 and 423, the element 424dose not depend on the choice of the local cross-section412.


Proposition 3.13   Let 356 and 336 be topological local groups and 337 abelian. Suppose 404 is a topological local extension of 338 by 357. Each local cross-section 413 of 405 determines a pair factor set 364 on 358 to 339.


Proof.Let 368 be a neighborhood of the identity in 359. By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhood 372 in 369 such that 376 for all 379. Consider the continuous map 366, 425. Let 427 and 429. Hence, 430 and 431 are defined in 432. We define



 Let 392, 435, where 382 is a symmetric neighborhood and 436. Then, 437 is a local automorphism. We show that 438 is a pair factor set. We verify the first condition of Definition 3.9. Let 428 and 439 and 440 are defined in 383, since 441 and 442 are in 373. Hence, the relation 426 implies that





 We have



450The right hand side of (1) is in 451, since 452, 453, and 454 are defined in 455. Similarly, we obtain



By comparing (1) and (2),


for 459 which proves (3.1). Now, for 460 and 461 :


So, (3.2) holds.□

Proposition 3.14   Let 1 and 17 be topological local groups and 18 abelian. Suppose 1 is a topological local extension of 19 by 2 which has a continuous local cross-section 1. Then, 1 determines uniquely an element of 1.


Proof. Suppose 1 is a topological local extension with a local cross-section 1 where 1 is a symmetric neighborhood of identity. Let 1 be another local cross-section of 11 , 1 a symmetric neighborhood in 3. Suppose the pair factor set 1 corresponds to 1.

We define a local cochain 1 by 1, for 1.

By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhood 1, 1 such that 1 for 1. The map 1 is continuous and by Lemma 2.6, there is a neighborhood 1, 1 such that 1 for 1.

Let 1 and 1 be defined in 1, 1 for all 1. Consider the continuous map 1,





 by the action (3.3)


where 1. Since 20 is abelian, then




 Therefore, the pair factor set is independent of the choice of the continuous local cross-section.□


Definition 3.15  Let 4 and 1 be topological local groups with the action 5 on 1. Suppose 1 and 1 are neighborhoods of the identities in 6 and 1 respectively such that all products are defined . Let 1, 1 be a continuous strong homomorphism where 1 and 1. We define 1 by


 for every 1 and 1. The space 1 is called the semi-direct product of topological local groups 7 and 1 with respect to 1, denoted by 1.

Proposition 3.16   Let 8 and 21 be topological local groups and 22 abelian. Let 1 be a pair factor set on 9 to 23. There exists an extension 1 of 24 by 10 with a continuous local cross-section 1 which corresponds to 1.


Proof. Let 11 and 25 be topological local groups and 26 abelian. Let 1 is a neighborhood of the identity in 12. By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhood 1 in 1 such that 1 for all 1. Suppose 1 is a neighborhood of the identity in 27. By Lemma 2.6, there is a symmetric neighborhood 1 in 1, such that 1 for all 1.

Suppose 1. By [3, Theorem 2.28], 1 is a topological local group with the product

1    for every 1 and 1;

 where 1 is a local automorphism.

The identity of 1 is 1 and the inverse is given by

1    for 1 and 1.

 The map 1, 1 is a strong homomorphism, since 1 is the projection of 1 onto 13. It is clear that 1 is open and continuous. The kernel1 = 1 consists of the elements 1 with the product 1 whenever 1 is defined. Since 1 is normalized then 1, for every 1. So 1 can be identified with 28 by the correspondence 11.

Let 1. If 11, we define


We have





 We can verify that






 Then, by (3.4) and (3.5), 1 is a pair factor set of 1 with the local cross-section 1.□


Remark 3.17Let 1 be a pair factor set of 14 to 29. By Propositions 3.13, 3.16, 3.14, every pair factor set corresponds to an element of 1. Therefore, 1 determines 1, 1. Now, let 1, 1 be another local extension and 1.

By Proposition 3.13, there is a pair factor set 1 which corresponds to 1. By Definition 3.7, choose an arbitrary open continuous strong isomorphism 1 such that 1 and 1 for 1. Then, 1 is a continuous local cross-section of 1. As in Proposition 3.14, 1 corresponding to 1 is identical with 1corresponding to 1. Hence, equivalent local extensions of 30 by 15 determine the same element of 1.

Theorem 3.18   Let 16 and 31 be  topological local groups and 3 abelian. There is a  one to one corresponding between the second cohomology of  a topological local group 1 and  the group of equivalence classes of topological local extensions with continuous local crossed-sections.

Proof.By [4,Theorem 2.9],1is a group. Then, it is immediate by, Propositions 3.13 and  3.16.□


  1. Goldbring,  Hilbert's fifth problem for local groups, Annales. Math, Vol. 172, No.2, pp 1269-1314, 2010.
  2. S.T. Hu,  Cohomology theory in Topological Groups, Michigan Math. J. Vol. 1, pp 11-59, 1952.
  3. H. Sahleh, A. Hosseini,  A Note on topoogical local groups, Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications, Vol. 14, No .2, pp 101-127, 2012.
  4. H. Sahleh, A. Hosseini,The Group of Extensions of a Topological Local Group ,General Mathematics Notes (GMN), to appear.
S. Swierczkowski,  Embedding Theorems for Local Analytic Groups, Acta . Math. Vol.114, pp 207-235,  1965.


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