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Comparison of Support Vector Machines and Linear Discriminant Analysis for Indian Industries


R. Madhanagopal1*, R.C. Avinaash2 and K. Karthick3

{1Assistant Professor, 2, 3 Post Graduate Students} Department of Statistics, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

Corresponding Addresses:

1[email protected] , 2[email protected] , 3[email protected]

Research Article



Abstract: Support vector machines (SVM) methods have become increasingly popular tools for data mining tasks viz., classification, regression and novelty detection. The present paper deals with classification of Indian industries using SVM. Industries stable for one month period in NIFTY was selected, of which 50 companies in NIFTY, 32 were found to be stable. Twenty eight key financial ratios of these companies were taken for a period of five financial years (April 2007 to March 2012). Fuzzy clustering and SVM were used to explore the financial data. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied and it reduced the twenty eight financial ratios into seven components. Thereafter, fuzzy clustering was performed on scores of PCA and was formed into two groups which were categorized into high and low performing industries based on their mean values. SVM was used as a classifier of the industries and it was compared with well known and old classification technique, Linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The classification accuracy in training and testing data set for SVM was 97.32% and 100 % whereas for LDA it was 87.29 and 93.75% respectively.Therefore, the present study concludes that SVM performed better than LDA in the classification of industries.

Key words:Financial Ratio, Classification, Support Vector Machines, Fuzzy Clustering, Principal Component Analysis.

1. Introduction

Livelihood of the people changes due to the development of economy in the country and especially in developing countries, industries plays a vital role in the development of the country’s economy. According to [6] one-third of the population of the world lived in poverty in 1981, whereas the share was 18% in 2001.  This huge decline was due to the economic development in India and China. Indian Gross domestic product (GDP) increases from 3.9 in 2001 to 7.2 in 2011. In this, the contribution of industries was 20.16, second to services sector contribution of 65.22%. Rise of industries in a country boost the employment opportunity, income and saving, economic scale and farm productivity.  On the other hand it declines the poverty, crime, society imbalance, etc. Due to globalization and liberalization in Indian government policy, many new industries from inside and outside the county has emerged in recent years but it increases the competitive nature to survive which resulted the industries to monitor their performances regularly which is not an easy task. One of the ways to supervise them is by financial ratios and therefore evaluation on the performances of the industries is inevitable. A support vector machine (SVM) is a training algorithm for learning classification and regression rules from data ([23], [36], [7], [21]). SVM is applied successfully in many areas such as face detection ([12], [2], [29], [14] ), image classification ([38], [8]), object recognition ([28], [37], [26]), hand written / digital recognition ([13], [3], [22], [1], [16]), speaker speech recognition ([5], [33],  [24] ), gender classification ([17], [35], [10], [27]), text classification ([32], [18]) etc.,. Several recent studies have reported that SVM is capable of rendering higher performance in terms of classification accuracy than other data classification ([11], [34]). Therefore, the present paper deals with usage of SVM as a tool to classify the Indian industries then to check whether SVM classifies Indian industries better than Linear Discrinant Analysis (LDA). Rest of the paper is organized as follows; section two deals with the selection of samples, data description and methodology used in the present study. Brief introduction of data analysis techniques viz., principal component analysis for data reduction, fuzzy clustering for clustering, the industries into homogenous groups and SVM classifier are described in section three. Findings and discussions of the results are presented in section four and conclusion in section five.


2. Data and methodology

2.1 Sample selection and data description

The study was analytical in nature and the present study uses the latest available published secondary data starting from April 2007 to March 2012. The units of analysis include 50 industries that are listed on Nifty. Thirty two industries were filtered based on the following criteria. i) The industries must be listed on Nifty. ii)  The industry must be stable in the list of Nifty for period of a month (1st - 30th September, 2012). iii) The data of variables for industries must be available for the period of study.        iv) Financial service based industry viz., banks, financial intuitions etc., were excluded. Financial ratios provide a quick and relatively simple means of examining the financial condition of an industry since it is of very good help when comparing the financial health of different businesses [19]. Therefore, to identify the financial performance of Indian industries, financial ratios of the industries were used. By carefully examining the previous studies 28 most important financial ratios were selected. Financial ratios were obtained from income statements, balance sheet, cash flow data sheet, etc., of the industries. For this study, these ratios were extracted from money control web page (www.moneycontrol.com) and the needed financial ratios were calculated. These ratios were selected to assess profitability, investment values, liquidity, solvency, debt coverage, management efficiency, profit and loss. The variables (financial ratios) used and its codes are shown in Table 2.1.1.


Table 2.1.1. List of financial ratios and its codes

Financial Ratio


Financial Ratio


Operating Profit Per Share


Interest Cover


Net Operating Profit Per Share


Total Debt to Owners Fund


Operating Profit Margin


Financial Charges Coverage Ratio


Gross Profit Margin


Inventory Turnover Ratio


Cash Profit Margin


Debtors Turnover Ratio


Net Profit Margin


Total Assets Turnover Ratio


Return On Capital Employed


Number of Days In Working Capital


Return On Net Worth


Material Cost Composition


Return on Assets Including Revaluations


Selling Distribution Cost Composition


Return on Long Term Funds


Expenses Total Sales


Current Ratio


Dividend Payout Ratio Net Profit


Quick Ratio


Dividend Payout Ratio Cash Profit


Debt Equity Ratio


Earning Retention Ratio


Long Term Debt Equity Ratio


Cash Earning Retention Ratio



2.2 Methodology

Firstly, 28 financial ratios which were used in the present study are normalized [0, 1] using the formula.

For the normalized variables, principal component analysis was applied to avoid the influence of correlation among the variables and, the principal scores obtained were used as the variables for the rest of this study. Secondly, fuzzy clustering was applied to the principal scores to group the industries. SVM classifier with different kernels and Linear discriminant analysis (LDA) were performed to compare classification efficiency of the classification tools.


3. Data analysis techniques

3.1 Principal component analysis (PCA)

The technique of Principal component analysis (PCA) was first described by [25] and is one of the simplest techniques of the multivariate methods. The main objectives of PCA are to identify new meaningful underlying variables and discover or reduce the dimensionality of the data set. PCA involves a mathematical procedure that transforms a number of correlation variables into a number of uncorrelated variables called principal components.  The lack of correlation is most important and is a useful property because the uncorrelated variables are measuring different dimensions in the data. These uncorrelated variables are ordered based on its variation i.e., largest amount of variation displayed first, followed by second largest amount [20].

Steps involved in construction of PCA

Let us consider p variables say for the study

1) First normalize the data.

2) Calculate the correlation matrix C.

3) Find the eigen values  and the       corresponding eigen vectors . The       coefficients of the ith principal component are the       given by  while  is its variance.

4) Discard any components that only account for a small      proportion of the variation in the data.


3.2 Fuzzy Clustering (FC)

Clustering is a division of data into groups of similar objects. There are different clustering techniques available of which most of them belongs to hard/conventional clustering (every data points belongs to one unique cluster). In many situations, clusters are not well separated as a result, the data point may or may not belong to a particular cluster. Fuzzy clustering differs from other clustering techniques. In fuzzy clustering, object may belong to more than one cluster with varying degrees of membership. Fuzzy cluster analysis has its origins by [31] and the fuzzy clustering approach is based on the fuzzy set theory proposed by [39]. There are different approaches for fuzzy clustering. Fuzzy k – means, the earliest methods was proposed by [9] and [3] wherein Fuzzy k-means is a generalization of the crisp k-means clustering. In the present paper, FUNNY algorithm was used attributed to [15]. The objective function in which the dissimilarity or distance measure is a L1 expression (not squared) is used, which makes it more robust than fuzzy k- means [30]. FUnny aims at the minimization of the following objective function.

Where  represent the given distance (or dissimilarities) between objects i and j.

      = the unknown membership of object  to cluster n.

        = the number of clusters that the fuzzy clustering                solution will have.

        = the number of observation in the data set.

The membership functions are subject to the constraints.


                ii) for

These constraints imply that membership cannot be negative and that each object has a certain total membership distributed over different clusters. By convention, the above mentioned total membership is normalized to 1. The solution to above mentioned optimization problem is iterative.

To test goodness of fit for fuzzy clustering, two methods were used.

i) [15] proposed the silhouette statistic for assessing clusters and estimating the optimal number. For observation, let be the average distance to other points in its cluster, and  the average distance to points in the nearest cluster besides its own nearest is defined by the cluster minimizing this average distance followed by silhouette statistic defined by

A point is well clustered if  is large. [15] Proposed to choose the optimal number of clusters  as the value maximizing the average  over the data set.

ii) Dunn’s partition coefficient (DPC) was introduced to identify the compact and well separate cluster. Each object in the fuzzy cluster has a membership and if it is 1 in one cluster and 0 for all other cluster then cluster is a hard entirely. This coefficient can be use to know whether cluster is hard or fuzzy nature. DPC is computed by the following formula for which values lie between.


            = final membership matrix,

          = membership value of the ith element to the rth                   cluster.

             = number of observation and

            = number of cluster.

This can be normalized and normal version of the Dunn’s partition coefficient (DPC) was obtained from the formula given below. The values of normalized DPC always lie in range (0, 1). For a good clustering solution, this value should be high.

3.3. Support Vector Machines (SVM)

SVM is an emerging machine learning technique in the field of data mining. It a novel learning machine introduced first by [36]. A brief mathematical background of SVM is given below.


Figure 3.1. Optimal Separating Hyper plane for linear


In figure 3.1 there are two types of dots one is green in color and the other is white representing two kinds of samples. S is the separating line and P1 and P2 are the closest lines parallel to the separating line of the two class sample vectors. The distance between P1 and P2 is called the margin.

For linear case,


Given a training set belong to two separate classes say, where , ,  with a hyperplane,



equ (3.1) is the separating hyperplane equation. The training class should satisfy

  where          (3.2)

The distance of point  to the hyperplane  is. The optimal hyperplane is given by maximizing the margin, subject to equation (3.2). The margin can be given by. Hence the hyperplane that optimally separates the data is the one that minimizes




The Lagrange function of (3.3) under constraints (3.2) is,


 =  (3.4)


The optimal classification function, if solved, is



For non linear case,

Let  be a non linear map which transforms  from the input space into the feature space H. A kernel is a function,, Then, for the nonlinear classification, to determine the optimal hyperplane equals to solve the following constrained quadratic optimization problem.


 Maximize the objective function




Subject to the constrains



where  is the Lagrange multiplier for each sample.


 The corresponding separating function is




This is the so- called SVM.

Kernels used in this paper are as follows









4. Findings and discussion

4.1 Results of principal component analysis (PCA)


The application of the PCA is to reduce the dimensionality of the data set and also to avoid the influence of correlation among the variables. As discussed earlier raw data set of 28 financial ratios of the Indian industries are normalized and robust principal component analysis was performed. This was done by using R-2.15.1 software. This produce eigen vector  and eigen value. The eigen vector were ordered so that   . Thus the lower order eigenvectors encode the majority of the variances.


Table 4.1.1. Eigen values, percentage and Cumulative Percentage of total variance


Eigen Value

% Variance

Cumulative % variance






























From table 4.1.1, by taking 1 for the eigen value as the cutoff point we have selected the seven components, the selected components approximately represents 82% of the variance structure of the raw data. Figure 4.1.1 Shows the 3D scatterplot of first 3 principal components as axes.

4.2 Results of fuzzy clustering

Fuzzy clustering was applied to the principal scores extracted from PCA to group the industries.  Squared Euclidean distance is used as the metric of dissimilarity in the data.  Squared Euclidean distance between two points, a and b, with k dimensions is calculated as (4.2.1). When taken square root of equation (8), it becomes Euclidean distance.




Fuzzy clustering was carried out next using the [15] algorithm used in FUNNY package.  R-2.15 software package is used for analyzing the data.  The process of selecting the best clusters is subjective in nature.  Several clustering solutions are generated using different number of clusters, different values of fuzzier and different dissimilarities.  Based on various indices such as the silhouette and Dunn’s partition index for fuzzier 1.25 and square euclidean dissimilarity, 2 clusters are chosen. The final solutions of various indices and silhouette using fuzzier at 1.25 are presented below table 4.2.1.


Tabl 4.2.1. Summary of number of Fuzzy Clustering and its Silhouette and Dunn’s Index

(m = 1.25, Metric = Square Euclidean dissimilarity)

Number of clusters


Dunn’s Partition Index


Normalized Dunn’s

Partition Index






















For the best clustering, silhouette plot and fuzzy clustering plot are shown below in Figure 4.2.1 and 4.2.2.


Figure 4.2.1.  Silhouette plot for K = 2, Fuzzier = 1.25 and Square Euclidean dissimilarity





Figure 4.2.2 Fuzzy Clustering plot for K = 2, Fuzzier = 1.25   and Square Euclidean dissimilarity


On the bases of membership coefficients, 160 industries are grouped into two groups.  Based on the mean values, these two groups are categories as high and low performing industries. 60 industries belong to high performing and 100 industries in low performing group.


4.3 Comparison of SVM and LDA

The whole data set used in fuzzy clustering was divided into two sets viz., training and testing data. It was done in standard spreadsheet software. Approximately, 70% of the industries were assigned to the training sample. The training data set resulted in 112 industries and the remaining 48 industries were assigned to the test sample. SVM classifier was performed with different kernels for training and testing data set. The performance of SVM was compared with a well know classification method LDA. From Table 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 it was observed that accuracy and error rate of SVM for training and testing was (97.321 and 100.00%) and (2.679 and 0.000%) whereas for LDA (89.286 and 93.750%) and (10.714 and 6.250%) respectively.


Table 4.3.1. Confusion matrix of training and testing for SVM (linear)




Predicated by Model

Predicated by Model

































AR – Accuracy rate, ER – Error rate









Table 4.3.2. Confusion matrix of training and testing for LDA




Predicated by Model

Predicated by Model











































Table 4.3.3 shows the accuracy and error rate of SVM for different kernels with gamma 0.142 and cost 10. Error rate of SVM (RBF) was 0 and 2.083%. Similarly for SVM (Polynomial and Sigmoid) it was 1.786 and 13.793% and 2.083 and 9.231% for training and testing data sets indicating SVM with RBF kernel performed well in classification than other kernels and LDA.


































Table 4.3.3 Results of classification efficiency of SVM  (RBF, Polynomial and Sigmoid)












                AR – Accuracy rate, ER – Error rate


Comparison of accuracy rate for SVM with different kernels and LDA for training and testing are shown in Figure 4.3.1. Overall, the result shows other than sigmiod kernel, SVM outperformed well than LDA. Therefore, it can be concluded that performance of SVM in classifying the Indian industries is better than LDA.


Figure 4.3.1. Comparison of accuracy rate for SVM with different kernels and LDA for training and testing.



The present study was evaluated to check whether SVM classifies Indian industries better than Linear Discrinant Analysis (LDA). Four different kernels for SVM viz., RBF, Polynomial, Sigmoid and Linear were used and compared with the classification results of each other and also with LDA. The result showed that error rate of SVM (Linear) was 2.679 whereas LDA was 10.714% for training and 0 and 6.250% for testing data sets. The difference in error rate between SVM (Linear) and LDA was 8.035 and 6.250%. Therefore, it can be concluded that SVM (Linear) performs better than LDA. Similarly for SVM (RBF, Polynomial and Sigmoid) error rate was 0, 1.786 and 13.793% for training and 2.083, 2.083 and 9.231% for testing data sets indicating that SVM (RBF) performed well in classification than other kernels and LDA. Overall, the result shows other than sigmiod kernel, SVM outperformed well than LDA and it can be concluded that performance of SVM in classifying the Indian industries is better than LDA.



The authors would like to thanks Dr. R. Chandrasekaran, Professor and Head (retired), Department of Statistics, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India for his valuable suggestions and Dr. Samtennyson, Department of Zoology, Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India for his timely help.


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