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Thesis to Book with ISBN number We, Statperson Publishing Corporation are glad to introduce you our new Research service
"Thesis to Book with ISBN and Publish it Internationally"

Call for Thesis/Dissertation 2019- (Current Issue)

Formation of Contain and ISBN for Book: within 7 days

Ten Print Copies of of Thesis to Corresponding Author: within 21 days of publication

Submit Thesis to email : [email protected]
About Thesis to Book with ISBN number
A young scholar completes a Thesis/Dissertation and is congratulated by the supervising committee. A first-rate work, it deserves the applause. “You must publish this, Jitendra, and soon,” one committee member says, and goes on to suggest two or three publishing houses to which Jitendra might now write. Encouraged by the response, Jitendra sends off the manuscript, fresh from the defense. Then the author waits, but it’s not a long wait. The manuscript comes back from the publisher. The pages, which appear not to have been disturbed, are accompanied by a note. It isn’t even a personal note, just a form letter. “Dear Author,” the letter reads, “Terribly sorry. We don’t publish unrevised dissertations.” The new Ph.D. is understandably frustrated. “If scholarly publishers don’t want what I’ve just written, why was I advised to write this, and to write it this way? I’m encouraged to publish quickly. My committee praised my work. But publishers don’t want it. What am I doing wrong?”
The answer is easy. Jitendra wrote a thesis, not a book.

In today’s market, even a first-rate dissertation may fail to find a publisher, at least on the author’s first try. Who then is at fault? An inexperienced writer? A cautious editor determined to minimize financial risk for the publishing house? A dissertation committee out of touch with scholarly publishing today? The tenure system, with its demand for book-length publication in the face of increasingly unattractive odds?

Most of times we use the word that there is no such academic beneficiaries from our Thesis, its all regarding our API points/ MCI Credit points. We Statperson Publishing Corporation try to solve this major issue. Here we welcome Dissertation/ Thesis from Researchers/Faculty Members from all fields of Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Engineering Branches to convert their Thesis to proper Book with ISBN and we will publish it internationally.

Benefit to Corresponding Authors..
Our Experts and Team Members are always encouraging Research work from Researchers. The job is not finished here to Convert Thesis/Dissertation to Book with ISBN but we will provide a win win situation for Researchers.

As we publishes your Book with ISBN on our website, if, in future, someone need your Book for Reference purpose, we definitely sell it and give Royalty to corresponding Authors.

Please email your Thesis/Dissertation in MS WORD format to [email protected]

Mobile no.: +91 9860840210

Please call before mailing your Thesis to us.


Thesis to Book with ISBN number charges:

Rs. 10000(Ten Thousand Rupees Only) for SIX copies of Books include ISBN

If Author wants extra copies, please call us on Mobile no.: +91 9860840210

If, in future, We sell your Book, Maximum 30% royalty will credited to your Account.

Please email your Thesis/Dissertation Chapterwise and in MS WORD format to [email protected]

Mobile no.: +91 9860840210

Please call before sending/mailing your Thesis to us.


All Subjects related to Basic Sciences, Medical Sciences, Engineering Technologies, Arts and Commerce in English Language.

“The Service is not Free because of our Experience”

For details please send email to: [email protected]

Statperson Publishing Corporation Lagos | Aurangabad | Latur | Solapur | Maharashtra |2019 | NIGERIA | INDIA.

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Head Office: Statperson Publishing Corporation, First floor, City Marvel Building, Near S.B. Bus Stop, Aurangpura, Aurangabad, 431001 Maharashtra, INDIA
Mobile no.: +91 9860840210

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1. Shop No H-6, Ajinkya City, Ambajogai Road, Latur - 413512 Maharashtra, INDIA.
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Contact Person: Mr Amit Dasur(+91 8550977030)

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